The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1276: Alternative Fuel

Chapter 1276: Alternative Fuel

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

According to the MDT, the native language in Collow was a product of fusion. More than half of it was contributed by the mortals, while a small part of it may have been derived from the language system used by the goddess of creation and her servants. The vast majority of the foreign words consisted of nouns, including places, persons, things in mythology, and some special terms related to higher-order occultism.

These nouns were not originally part of the divine language. According to the calculation of the central computer of CARS, these words, including pronunciation and writing structure, were only 70% similar to the ancient divine language in the temples of Coldpath. The characters the native language of Collow were crooked symbolic text that was similar to the divine language of Coldpath. From the writing structure, it seemed there was some can also be guessed that they have some relationship of inheritance.

“Perhaps the ancient divine language has spread into the mortal world. After many generations of evolution, the parts of the divine language, which possessed divine power, disappeared because the mortals were unable to understand it, leaving behind only the easy-to-master pronunciations and characters to the present day.” The MDT said. “The mortal’s language is sufficient for their daily use; the divine language is mainly to record things that during the existence of the goddess.”

“Prison…” Hao Ren mumbled. “I can testify that with what I have seen here. The people of Collow believe that there was once an ancient devil locked up deep in the earth and that the rulers of the world of Collow possess the inheritance power of the guardian’s bloodline. Various signs show that there has been a prison, perhaps, a prison built by the goddess of creation.”

Y’zaks chimed in and said, “Could it be the Mad Lord?”

“I have the same thought too, but I am not sure,” Hao Ren said. “The Mad Lord is so powerful that it could challenge god face-to-face. Even in prison, few mortal kingdoms could resist his leaked power. I have studied the level of civilization in Collow and their combat powers; they are not as powerful as the modern day’s military might of Earth. They have some power to fight the Chaos, but this power was not theirs but comes from an ancient heritage, which continues to weaken. Various signs indicate that the native races of Collow do not possess the ability to fight the Mad Lord, and the goddess of creation would not let the mortals live in the prison of the Mad Lord.”

“So you think the evil giant Rockmarton is not the Mad Lord?” Y’zaks said with a low voice.

“It is not the Mad Lord himself, but it could be his derivative,” Hao Ren replied. “At first I thought there was a First Born here. After asking the locals and checking their ancient records, I found no signs of activity of the First Born throughout the history of Collow. The giant tentacles in the ground are hard to miss. Since the people of Collow started their mining activity, even with their relatively low productivity, it was impossible not to stumble upon a tentacle for the past 10,000 years. What’s more, the power of Chaos of Rockmarton and the First Born do not look the same. At in all, I am doubtful about this Rockmarton. I suspect that it is an entirely new thing.”

“The Planes of Dreams has no shortage of surprises,” the MDT lamented.

The discussion went nowhere. Hao Ren looked at the others and lowered his head. “I need to hang up now. These guys are watching me here for almost half an hour. Anything else?”

“Don’t worry about things on the outside, I’ve got it handled. You, be more careful there.” It was Vivian’s voice.

“You too. Everyone, don’t worry about me. By the way, please cut down on instant noodles, it is not healthy to eat that every day and Y’lisabet is still growing up.”

Vivian was a little embarrassed. “I know, I know. It was not that I didn’t want to cook for them, it was just that I was not in the mood for the past couple of days. I’m okay now. Take care of yourself. Also, find the dog quickly. I wonder what mess she has made out there.”

Speaking of Lily, Hao Ren was no less worried than Vivian was. Again, he hurried the MDT to break the divine barrier quickly before he hung up reluctantly.

After half an hour squatting beside the pool, the ancient guardian finally got to his feet.

“Your Venerable Guardian?” Veronica stepped forward. She looked concerned. “How is the situation? What do you see?”

Rudolph III was blunt. “Can we rekindle the Sunscorch Tower without using the blood? Is there na alternative fuel?”

Hao Ren was startled and tried to organize his thoughts. He turned to look at the white crystal and the silver flame below it.

The sudden recovery of communication with the outside world was unexpected. It was not part of Hao Ren’s plan for coming here. He already had an idea in mind when he first volunteered to follow Rudolph III to study the Sunscorch Tower.

Hao Ren was here not to quench his curiosity and to look cool. If he had no confidence, he could not have come just for fun.

A day before coming here, Hao Ren had seen Ania and Alfred the scholar and learned about the Sunscorch Tower and the bloodline of the guardian to come out with some conjectures.

The bloodline of the guardian contained the power of the goddess of creation. In the beginning, there was this so-called Ancient Guardian of God, which dated back to the times of the guardian and the First Borns. In the Plane of Dreams, since most of life was homologous, there is a ‘family tree.’ According to the family tree, the older one was, the more similar it was to the goddess of creation and the sea of lifeblood on the Star of Creation.

Zorm and Muru one said the successor’s life element was compatible with the predecessor’ life element. It was also the fundamental mechanism that lifeblood was the root of everything.

Then, at which level is the blood of the guardian flowing in the veins of the heirs of kingdoms in Collow when looking at the entire family tree of the goddess of creation?

It was difficult to determine its rank, but one thing was sure: it was below the lifeblood.

With the wave of a hand, Hao Ren opened a black space crack in the air, and a silver-white, one-meter-tall cylindrical metal container appeared in front of everyone.

The surface of the container flashed in blue light and had a chart indicating the internal parameters of the tank. A line of text read: standard-concentration lifeblood, high vitality, inactivated state, dormant.

Hao Ren smiled. He had no shortage of this thing. Since he could clone this stuff in bulk from Zorm, he had one large pool of lifeblood inside his dimensional pocket.

Of course, it was not for fun’s sake to store such a large amount of lifeblood. The Plane of Dreams was full of relics, ruins, remnants of its ecosystem, and lifeblood of the goddess of creation; it was always good to have some ‘props’ in hand under such circumstances.

In case there was an emergency, and the First Born and guardian giants were conscious, lifeblood would be excellent medicine. Hao Ren had not encountered this situation, but it was it was always useful to have on readily available in hand.

It was under the suggestion from Muru and Zorm that Hao Ren had stored this massive amount of lifeblood in his dimensional pocket.

“What is this?” Veronica looked at the things in amazement. She knew it was a container of superb technology, which was something that Collow could have. And she also sensed something out of her soul, a kind of feeling that came from her bloodline. “I feel it familiar.”

“If the Sunscorch Tower can’t find a suitable ‘fuel,’ we can substitute it with the blood of the ancients. This thing is called lifeblood, the divine energy carrier.”

“Did you just say that you can use this blood instead of Veronica’s to reignite the holy flame?” Rudolph III was wide-eyed. “Will it work?”

Hao Ren did not reply. He opened the lock on the container, and the metal case on one side of the container retracted, exposing the inner container, inside which bright red blood od was surging just like mollusk changed its shape. It first formed into an o-o, and then =.=, and lastly ellipsis.

God knows what programs Zorm had written in the lifeblood.

As he prepared to inject these sacred blood into the pool, Grand Duke Loen suddenly stopped him. “Wait a minute!”

Hao Ren looked at the poker-faced Grand Duke curiously.

“How do we know it is safe?” asked Grand Duke Loen. “The Sunscorch Tower is the foundation of the kingdom.”

“You are worried that the lifeblood has a problem?” Hao Ren pointed to the container. He understood the concern of Grand Duke Loen; it would be strange if no one was concerned. “Well, your worry is not without reason. You can find someone to examine the lifeblood. I guarantee that there is not a trace of Chaos and negative energy. If you are still not convinced, you can send a batch of samples to other countries to light their Sunscorch Towers since they have no choice anyway, unlike here where there is still one last guardian—Veronica.”

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