Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 129 - Guild Recruitment Part 3

Ryu looked around the room to see everyone else nod their heads in agreement. With this, the meeting was called to a close. Everyone got ready and prepared for what was needed. During this time, the forums began to explode as Ryu announced recruitment.

@Ryu: Just a heads up to those in the Flim Village, Roland Village area. My guild, Serenity, will begin its recruitment drive starting tomorrow real world time. Anyone may join to try out for the guild. We will be splitting it into two sections: crafters and regular players. And for all of you fuck heads who are out there thinking they will try to get revenge on me by attacking my guild members, you should know that I am not the only one with a cultivation method in my guild or there are also those who are close to the same level to me or are the same level as me. So think before you act, or you will be hunted down and made to quit this game.

@FatPanda: Haha! Ryu is really going to begin his guild recruitment! Sign me up! Also, I will vouch that it would be a bad idea to go against Ryu. His methods…. Just thinking back to that art display still gives me nightmares, and I wasn\'t even part of it.

@AzuritePaladin: "I will be trying out! I am all for joining a badass like Ryu."

@Beauty: Sorry, I am new to the game. Can someone explain to me what a guild is?

@FreeLoader: It is basically a group of players who form an organization and play together.

@Beauty: I see… Then I will try out for this guild as well…

Ryu\'s face turned black seeing Beauty posting a message on the forums. He quickly sent Chi a message: "Chi, go on forums and tell Beauty she is not allowed to join our guild because we do not allow cheap women in it." 

"Huh!? Beauty… Is that the girl you told me about during the day?" Chi asked.

"Yeah, I do not want her in our guild. She will just cause more issues than we need. But if I say anything, I am afraid she will figure out who is am." Ryu really did not want that clingy girl in his guild. This was one of the reasons he refused to walk the streets of Flim at this time without a cloak. He wanted nothing to do with that crazy girl. 

"Alright, I will do it now." Chi replied. She had no issues dealing with thots trying to steal her grilfriend.

@Chi: Cheap girl named Beauty, I heard that you chase men in the streets trying to get in their pants. I do not think you will be a good fit for our guild.

@Beauty: !!! Who are you calling a cheap girl!? I never tried to get into any guys\' pants! 

@DraconisOkelly: What did I just hear? Some girl likes to get into guys\' pants. Where do I sign up!? Baby, let this older brother help you with that itch you need scratched.

@DrakeStarkiller: Ignore the guy upstairs. He can\'t satisfy a girl, but this big buddha can!

@Beauty: You dare to ask me such things!? Do you even know who I am?

@AzuritePaladin: A cheap slut?

@KjellTheViking: Haha! Wow, I never met a paladin such as you before! So very paladin like!

@Ryu: Since my vice leader says you can\'t join, then I am sorry you will need to look for another guild or man, whatever it is you are looking for. Anyone else besides Beauty may come try out for our guild.

@Beauty: !!! You!!! Just you wait! I will make all you bastards pay for treating me like this! Since I can\'t join your guild, I will make one of my own!

"Miss..." Yuyu looked at her miss, whose eyes were turning red as if she was about to cry. 

"These bastards in this game have no idea who I am and treat me like some kind of cheap slut!" Beauty was on the verge of tears. She hated the fact that she couldn\'t just kill these people in game! And she knew even if she said she was a princess of the Evergreen family, they would just laugh at her and tell her she was lying! "Yuyu, we are going to an Inn! I need to vent my anger!"  Yuyu didn\'t even get to say a word before she was pulled by her miss to the nearest inn, tossed into the rented room, stripped of her clothes, and played with for hours on end. 

As the advertisement went on, more and more people began showing up at both Flim Village and Roland Village. The two villages were being swarmed by applicants. Many people had heard of Ryu\'s achievements and wanted to join his guild before the recruitment process became tougher in the future. The venue was set up into two sections in the two villages. There was the crafting section and the battle section. 


Recruitment day was finally here, and to make sure no one was causing any trouble during this time, Ryu even hired many mercenaries of both players and NPCs to keep things under control. As this was Serenity\'s first recruitment, Ryu had to make an appearance. In Roland, where he was located. GreenHat and FingerSandwhich were to take care of Flim Village. 

Ryu stood up on the stage they had made outside their guild hall and looked out over the crowd that was at least a few thousand players now and smiled: "I want to thank everyone for turning up to try out for the guild. As I said before on forums, everyone will get a chance to try out between the two sections crafting and battle. I will be personally overseeing the Crafting section, while Number8 and Number7 here will be testing your fighting skills. All of you who are trying out will be given a fair chance. 

"When it comes to crafting, you will be called into our guild\'s main hall to craft a single item. As long as you prove you can craft any items, you will be able to join our guild and get access to free high quality crafting rooms at one of our guild houses in Flim village. As for regular entrants, it will be based on your combat ability."

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