NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 283: 4 consecutive victories

But this time it was also used by Lian Dao.

Even before the rebirth, the debate about whether Harden\'s double retreat or not still happened from time to time, it is understandable for Noah to raise objections at this time.

At this time, the referee also came to the technical stage to replay Lian Dao\'s slow motion just now, because he was not sure whether to walk or not just now.

After slow-motion playback, it can be clearly seen that after Lian Dao took a cross step, he first retreated with his left foot, then kicked his right foot on the ground, retracted his left foot, and after retracting his left foot, Lian Dao\'s feet were in the air State, and did not join the ball, so it is still in the state of dribbling.

Then Lian Dao landed with his left foot first and kicked back with force. At this time, when his left foot was in contact with the ground, Lian Dao completed the ball.

After closing the ball, Lian Dao landed with his right foot and determined that his right foot was the pivot foot.

There is a rule of basketball that the non-pivotal foot can still move freely, so Lian Dao pulled his left foot back to a comfortable shooting foot position before taking off to shoot.

When the referee saw that Lian Dao had a small hesitant step before merging the ball, it could also be called a skip. The retreat is in the state of dribbling and creates favorable conditions for the legality of the second stage retreat.

At this time, the referee also knew through the replay that the ball did not move.

Although there was no violation of the ball, no one had ever used it before, so the referee did not dare to draw conclusions directly.

So a group of people discussed around the technical table, and finally found out the rules of basketball.

However, the Chicago fans at the scene were looking forward to the referee\'s penalty violation. This would not only invalidate Lian Dao\'s three-pointer, but also an imposing blow to the Knicks. Put pressure on the referee.

In the end, after discussion, the referee decided that the ball was valid!

The Bulls fans in the audience were very frustrated. Some "knowledgeable players" discovered through replays that Lian Dao\'s weird double step-back actually echoed the rules of basketball.

The referee also reminded Lian Dao that he is not recommended to use it frequently, because the referee does not want him to score every time he scores a goal, but has to look at the replay to determine whether there is a violation.

Noah saw the whole court returning to defense, and after the referee explained to him the rules of basketball, he was surprised

"Water, oh, Shet!" He also shook his head helplessly and cursed.

The referee thought he was dissatisfied with the penalty and directly gave Noah a technical foul.

He also regrets being talkative. During the replays, the action of being knocked down was repeated over and over again. He felt like a clown. , the key is to come up with it yourself.

This double-retreat three-pointer was also a great blow to the Bulls\' morale.

Noah, in particular, seemed to be sleepwalking in the next game, distracted. Rose\'s two passes, one open shot directly hit the front of the basketball, and one even made a three-point shot.

Thibodeau knew that there was a problem with Noah\'s mentality, and hurriedly replaced Noah with Omer Ashik when the ball was dead.

Omer Ashik is a Turkish basketball player. Although he was selected by the Blazers in the second round of the second round in 2008, and then traded the signing rights to the Bulls, but this year he really started from the European League. Coming to the NBA, it can be said that this year is the rookie season for this guy.

Under the defense of the Knicks, as a rookie, Omer Ashik can bring limited help to Rose.

The helpless Rose could only resist the team\'s offense again, hitting the inside line again and again, facing the double-team, keeping himself in the air, and trying his best to score a goal.

Unfortunately, the score on the court was still slowly opened by the Knicks.

Especially Lian Dao, who entered the third quarter, showed his fanatical state.

Although he didn\'t use double step-back three-pointers afterwards, relying on precise mid-range fadeaway jumpers again and again, he directly shocked the Bulls\' iron-blooded defense line formed by Thibodeau.

End of third quarter, 98:70.

The Knicks led by 28 points. In the fourth quarter, after Noah was deployed again, Noah missed two shots and still did not recover, so Thibodeau replaced all the main players and announced that he would give up.

D\'Antoni also put on the third team.

At this time, Lian Dao\'s data was fixed at 32 points, 5 rebounds and 19 assists, and Stoudemire had a double-double record of 34 points and 10 rebounds.

The two scored 66 points together, which is worthy of being the New York Twins that everyone is optimistic about.

Of course, apart from the two of them, Holiday, Millsap, David Lee, Tony Allen, Cousins, etc. also performed well, especially in the second quarter, the combination of Millsap and David Lee abruptly blocked the The impact of the Bulls\' main force greatly consumed the physical energy of the Bulls\' main force.

As for the Bulls, Rose scored a game-high 40 points, 10 assists and 11 rebounds in a large triple-double, but he was not at all happy. This was the second game they lost since the start of the game. The first game was lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder.

But at least the Bulls fought the Thunder three to the last moment, but facing the menacing Knicks, Rose felt a little powerless and invincible.

On the Bulls side, besides Rose, Joakim Noah scored the highest with 12 points and 11 rebounds. Noah\'s performance in the first half was remarkable, but his mentality was broken by Lian Dao in the third quarter. That\'s why he always looks like he\'s out of his mind.

In addition, there is Luol Deng. As the gate of the Bulls\' offensive and defensive positions at the third position, Luol Deng is very restricted by Lian Dao in this game. As long as Lian Dao is on the court, he can hardly give Rose any help. It is also the reason why Rose keeps falling into singles in this game.

He scored 40 points and 4 rebounds in the last game against the Portland Trail Blazers. However, he only scored 13 points and 3 rebounds in this game. Most of the points were rested in Lian Dao I got it on time.

After the Bulls replaced the substitute lineup, the Bulls fans in the United Center Arena knew that the end of the game had been decided, and many fans began to leave one after another. They did not want to see the team slowly slaughtered by the Knicks at home.

The end of the game, 118:96.

The Knicks won again by a big score.

In the first four games of the new season, the Knicks won by a big lead, and now they have won the first four consecutive victories.

After the Knicks game against the Bulls they have to rush back to New York overnight, because the next day is a back-to-back game.

Back-to-back games against the Washington Wizards, the most unlucky team last season. Although the heat of the gun incident has passed, Arenas is also known as one of the biggest thorns in the league. The Wizards have been putting Arenas on the shelf , looking for a deal, although so far, there are not many teams that want to contact Arenas.

After all, no one wants to put a time bomb in the locker room, and the Wizards played badly last season, and finally let them select a player to replace Arenas, the No. 1 pick in the 2010 draft, Kentucky\'s No. 1 talent: John Wall.

Judging from John Wall\'s first three games, the No. 1 pick is indeed very good. In the three games, except for the first game against the Orlando Magic, he scored 14 points and 9 assists.

In the other two games against the Atlanta Hawks, he scored a quasi-double-double record of 28 points and 9 assists on the heads of the white devil Mike Bibby and the eagle king Joe Johnson; he then scored 29 points against the 76ers The quasi-triple-double record of 13 assists and 9 steals, 9 steals in a single game, and the quasi-triple-double record also shocked the entire league.

Especially the rapid breakthrough and genius organizational ability instantly made John Wall the darling of Washington fans.

John Wall\'s momentum directly overwhelmed the repeater Blake Griffin of the 2009 class.

The outstanding performance of No. 1 pick John Wall is also widely favored by the media. Many people think that John Wall will become the next Derrick Rose. Physically, Wall is faster and has a very good wingspan; But the speed is too fast.

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